Reflection Section

We would love to hear what you think of the blog and the project overall. Please post your comments below.
                                Thank you from
                                   The Bloggers
                  (A.K.A. Aoife,Ben,Matthew and Alex)



  1. I thought the project was fun because I liked recording the book reviews and I also like all the animations on the different pages of the blog from Aoife

  2. i really like this blog because we can watch our book reviews and show our parents and i loved doing the reviews because it encouraged me to read more books. Well done to the bloggers the blog looks great and thanks for letting us do the projects Ms Mc Grath ~ Rachel

  3. i really like this blog because its very colourful and i really like the way u did a bloopers page.I really liked doing this book review because it encouraged me to read more,and it made me way more confident at public speaking.Thanks for doing the project with us Ms Mc Grath and thanks you Aoife ,Matthew and Ben for making this blog! - Chloe

  4. I really liked this project because it was fun designing the blog and recording the book reviews-Matthew Smith

  5. I really enjoyed this project because I think that it helped me and a lot of other people with our confidence and to learn how to use digital tools as well! I also like the blog because I think that its good that we learned how to record a book review using a computer instead of writing it out on paper and being able to post it online.

  6. Project:I liked the project because it was really fun to watch and upload the book reviews
    Blog:I really liked the blog as it has helped me develop new computer skills and I think it is also good because I think it is fun to look at and watch all the funny pictures and book reviews from each month.I also love working on the blog~Alex.G

  7. I like the blog because it is very colorful and I like the way that there is all the different pages i also like the way that you guys have everything that we have done on fís on the blog. I liked doing the book reviews because it makes me read more and it is great for confidence I also like the way that when we were finished our reviews we got advice from each other and last but not least well done to the bloggers you did a great job on the blog

    — Laura

  8. I really enjoyed this project because it was very fun and gave the whole class an extra boost in our confidence . I like the blog because it is very colourful and I couldn't stop watching the of our bloopers ~Nina ;]

  9. I really enjoyed the project because it was fun recording the book reviews and it helped me improve my presentation skills.I love this blog because it is nice to see all the pictures and bloopers and it is really colourful too.

  10. Hey guys I think the blog is doing great and it looks awesome and I love to watch all the book reviews and watching all the progress on everyone's reviews and i cant wait to see the voxpops!

  11. I really like the blog because it has really a lot of things in it and it looks very impressive thank to the bloggers.:))). I really enjoyed the project because it was really fun using technology and it really improved by reading and communication skills. Thanks Ms.McGrath;;))

  12. I really enjoyed the project because instead of writing a book report we got to make a video about it, and I also like the project because we got to use technology! :) I like the blog because it is really cool and fun!!:))))

  13. What I really enjoyed about being a part of this project is my presentation skills and communication skills have improved alot!
    - Kacey 😄

  14. I really enjoyed that instead of just writing out the reviews,we could video them.I think it has improved my communication skills alot! ~Ben

  15. I liked this project because it helped me with my presentation skills and my communication skills and that's why I did this project. Goodbye Classmates

  16. I think that the project is really good and it is a lot better to do book reviews camera and digitally than to do them pen to paper and seems we use electronics allot more it helps I think that my third book review has improved a lot more than my first one its allot more fun .I am not really shy but it has helped me a lot more with video skills and many more. The project wasn't like work it was something we didn't have to do but we wanted to do. It's cool the way we got to create and go on a blog. It helps build confidence It was so fun I think other classes should do it and it was a great opportunity for future .I especially enjoyed the popcorn and the pizza party . I also liked watching them and doing stars and a wish do see how good you done and how to improve , thanks bye,
    ~Olivia xx

  17. What I loved about this experience was that it raised my confidence levels and made speaking to camera way more easy! I loved this project also because it made me read more often than usual and I forgot how much I love to read! I love the idea of the different author groups on the blog and I can't wait to see the vox pop! Thank you Ms Mc Grath for the pizza party and for this experience because it was a great experience and I enjoyed it a lot!
    -Hazel :)

  18. I had really fun doing the book reviews and I think it improved my presentation skills a lot and speaking to camera was weird because its not like speaking to a person but I enjoyed the whole thing,it was fun! -Alex Tse

  19. I think that this project was a lot of fun because we got to use digital tools instead of using a pen and a piece of paper. I have to admit, my communication skills have improved a lot. I am so much more confident now. It was great to have the experience of doing this. I really do recommend other classes/schools to do this project. Thank you Ms Mc Grath for taking time out of your own time for doing this project with us. I also want congratulate the bloggers (a.ka. Aoife, Alex G, Mathew and Ben) for the amazing blog. ~Sarah Motac

  20. I just want to say thank you again Ms.McGrath and the bloggers for making the blog!!! ;) The blog is super cool and fun and I think other classes should do it next year as well. And also I think that we kids should get at least one computer homework a day. And I'm very happy that this project has helped me with my presentation skills. I love the blog and I hope we do it again with Ms.McGrath!!!! ;))

  21. I really liked doing the book reviews because it gave me a lot more confidence. Also I learned a lot of things on computers and I'm much better now. Thank you Ms Mc Grath it was a lot of fun and something new.
